Exam and tests

Exams for all ages, levels and specialties The Cambridge English Qualifications systematically assess all the four language skills and make learning English fun and rewarding. This approach promotes step-by-step learning in order to improve the level of English in depth.
These examinations concern primary and secondary schools, higher education establishments as well as companies. Each exam is aligned with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL) scale to help learners develop their skills in comprehension and expression, both written and spoken.
Whatever the learner's goals and ambitions, Cambridge English exams are a proof of excellence and are recognized by over 20,000 organizations around the world.

our recent activities

Plastic arts workshop

The plastic arts workshop organized by the arts club for the benefit of the students of the Marquise school...

sports competition

competitions and tournaments organized by the school for the benefit of the students...


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: +212 661439288

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