Pre-registration form

School Marquise de Sévigné

Pre-registration form :

1- Student Information :

First name : Last Name :
Date of Birth :  
Place of birth:  
attended school :  
Delegation :  
Actual level :  
Last mark obtained :  
Level requested :  
2- Parent Information :
Pére :    
Name : Last Name :
Profession : E-mail :
Tél. mobile : Tél. : Tél. Work :
Mother :    
Name : Last Name :
Profession : E-mail :
Tél. mobile : Tél. : Tél. work :
Parents' address:  
Would you like to register for the transport service?  
What motivated you to choose ECOLE MARQUISE DE SEVIGNE?  


our recent activities

Plastic arts workshop

The plastic arts workshop organized by the arts club for the benefit of the students of the Marquise school...

sports competition

competitions and tournaments organized by the school for the benefit of the students...


Contact us

we are available 24/7, do not hesitate to contact us via WhatsApp
: +212 661439288

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